Saturday, 17 September 2011

Burn Extra Body Fat

It is very easy to gain weight and burn fat is a difficult task that requires patience and consistency. Many people worry that extra body fat makes them fat and clumsy. They can easily catch germs and are subject to many other diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, high uric acid, diabetes, shortness of breath, backache and other heart complications.

Facts about fat burning

A clear understanding of how useful and helps the body burn fat much to reduce weight. The whole mechanism is not fully known prior to the initiative. The facts are briefly as follows:

Fats and carbohydrates mainly used by the body for energy to perform its tasks. Although training is a protein used in small quantities, but it is mostly used to repair muscles after exercise.

According to the activity throughout the day, the relationship between the experience of fuel with these important nutrients varies.

For intense exercise, such as sprinting, the death toll from fat and more carbohydrates for fuel to do this. Similarly, more aggressive exercise, carbohydrates are used for energy and fat. Metabolic pathways to break down carbohydrates for energy is used are more efficient than the breakdown of fats.

For the light exercise and slow, fat is used more for energy than carbohydrates, so here the situation is reversed.

To reduce weight, fuel type does not matter. The important thing is the number of calories you burn, compared with the number of calories consumed in the diet. There must be a balance in the body for normal people to build.

When the number of calories consumed exceeds the number of those who have been burned, you're likely to get stored as fat in the body. It accumulates mainly in the lower abdomen, thighs, neck and biceps.

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