Saturday, 17 September 2011

Want Some Good News? Eat Dark Chocolate And Burn Fat

We all need good news, anytime Chocolate good news is in the same sentence, there must be an earthquake. If you're like me, you love chocolate and want more than any other food. Unfortunately, until recently, the chocolate was one of the many foods forbidden on all plans.

Chocolate is good?

Yep. Hooray for science and research! They found that dark chocolate ultra, which is the best (and most expensive) are good for us, with some other previously banned fatty foods. Most of us spend much time feeling guilty about eating the foods we love. Included in our "beloved" food is usually not the chocolates, but also fatty foods like nuts and butter. The researchers found that many people looking for food because they are "forbidden", but now the same researchers have determined that our body actually needs these foods because we seek health benefits they offer.

GOOD fatty foods

Before that science gave us hope, many people, like me, eating fatty foods such as our body never seemed to be satisfied without them. So we ate what we thought was the "bad fatty foods" for a while and then a crash diet, which bans all food with a decent taste. We lost a few kilos and was proud. However, as its name this system quickly, "crashed and burned," and we went back to eating fatty foods. What is a good thing if the amount of fatty foods is controlled.

The key to being able to eat the right kind of fatty foods and still lose weight, the amount of fat that goes into our bodies. The good fats are important, but not unlimited. There's always a catch, right? Scientists are trying to help us here.

To lose weight and keep it, the search does not remove all fat and greasy. You need some healthy fats like olive oil, raw butter, nuts, and best of all: chocolate. Your body needs fat to fatty foods and hormone balance. A little fat is also wonders in controlling blood sugar and cravings. God thank you!

Good fats are essential for

The elimination of all fats and fatty foods from your diet will not harm your body. If you want to lose fat and fat, also known as "weight," eating healthy fats to help burn fat. Sounds strange, does not, but that's the way our bodies are designed. Of course, the trick to eating the right amount of foods high in fat or fat is to ensure that the fat you eat is the kind of fat.

Eating foods high in fat to burn fat

What are the "right" kinds of fat to eat? Surprisingly, almost all considered healthy fats, so it is difficult to sell to persuade people to eat healthy fats below:

Nuts: all kinds of nuts and all is healthy and should not roasted row to get the most nutritional value. Nuts are rich in micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are a good source of fiber and protein that help control blood sugar. Nuts are high in calories to measuring elements of the nuts before they reach your mouth. Most people consume more than they think nuts because they taste so good. They are one of the things that you can eat and they taste so good that you have a little more, and suddenly you've spent nearly a thousand calories.

Coconut: It is meat and coconut milk, is a large and great for you.

Butter, real butter, pasteurized found in some health food stores and health.

Whole eggs: The yolk is the most healthy. Did you know that almost all vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (such as lutein) is found in egg yolk? Furthermore, egg yolks contain more than 90% calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, vitamin B6, foliage, B12 and pantothenic acid is necessary for a healthy body? In addition, the yolks contain all the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K in the egg, and all essential fatty acids.Eggs often called the "perfect protein source." They are low in calories (less than 100 calories per egg) and are much cheaper to buy than most other foods rich in good fats.

Beef: it's grass-fed beef or bison range, corn and wheat typically not eat meat. Grass-fed beef or bison are considerably higher for healthy omega-3 fats reduce inflammation, omega-6, and even higher prices. Corn and grain fed beef does not have these same nutritional properties. Grass fed beef is also usually contain up to 3 times more vitamin E than grain fed beef.

Lawyers: Not only is this fruit (yes, surprise, the lawyer is actually a fruit) super-rich in monounsaturated fats, but also full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fat antioxidants.The healthy, fiber and micronutrients in avocado helps the body to maintain the hormone levels to help with fat loss and muscle building. Also, since lawyers are very satisfactory meal, eating makes you feel full longer.If, you can not find fresh avocado, guacamole wrapped look, which is usually readily available in most grocery stores. Check the label for content and do not purchase if the content contains words that you can not pronounce or never heard. This usually means additives and fillers were added.

Chocolate: What could be better? If you are a woman, you probably want chocolate and do almost anything to have at least a couple of small pieces. Guess what? It's actually OK if you limit yourself to two small squares of dark chocolate super (minimum 72% cocoa) per day. Because the intensity of super dark chocolate is so great, you probably will not much more than the two small squares. You only get about 40-50 calories of chocolate and it's a real agreement calories from nuts

If you are a gram counter, 75 grams of healthy fats is the golden rule still lose weight.

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